
accessiplot.detection.label.get_missing_labels_from_ax(dh: DetectionHandler)[source]

Generates dictionaries of the contrast_ratios_by_index and detections. Also a list of colors_by_index is generated to keep track of the colors that are associated with the contrast ratios. It determines the processing logic based on the chart type.


A DetectionHandler object that contains the axes object and histogram object if necessary.

chart_type: str

accessiplot.utils.chart_type.ChartType enum name

contrast_ratios_by_index: dict

Dictionary where the key is the indices of the lines/background being compared and the value is the contrast ratio as a float.

colors_by_index: list

List where each element is a tuple of (r, g, b) where r, g, and b are normalized from the 0->255 value down to a 0->1 value.

detections: dict

Dictionary where the key is the indices of the lines/background being compared and the value is the contrast ratio as a float.